1.0.0 - 1.0.0 International flag

This page is part of the Trust (v1.0.0: Release) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. This is the current published version in its permanent home (it will always be available at this URL). For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Concepts Onboarding Checklist

Onboarding Checklist

Common Hints

See Certificate Governance

Note: In the embedded image the following relabels apply:

  • DCCG -> TNG
  • CSCA -> SCA
  • DCC -> GDHCN
  • NB -> TNP

It is highly recommended:

  • to use certificates issued from a public CA which follows the CAB Forum Rules
  • not to reuse any certificates across the different staging environments
  • Development Environment (Unstable): https://tng-dev.who.int
  • User Acceptance Test Environment: https://tng-uat.who.int
  • Production Environment: https://tng.who.int

User Acceptance Test Environment (UAT)

Transitive Trust

With the application as transitive trust participant, the key material is migrated from the DCCG to the TNG already. The connection should be tested with the following command:

curl -v https://tng-uat.who.int/trustList --cert TLS.pem --key TLS_key.pem

You should see a response like:

    "kid": "+jrpHSqdqZY=",
    "timestamp": "2023-05-25T07:55:21Z",
    "country": "XC",
    "certificateType": "UPLOAD",
    "thumbprint": "fa3ae91d...",
    "signature": "MIAGCSqGSIb3D...",
    "rawData": "MIIErTCCA5WgAwIBAgII..."

The typed Trustlist Routes (e.g. DSC/SCA/Upload/Authentication) may also be tested. As a transitive trust participant, you should limit the usage to http GET requests only.

Full Onboarding

For a successfull connection to the gateway using full onboarding, there are several steps to prepare:

1) Certificates must be prepared for Acceptance Environment (self signed allowed) following the requirements in Certificate Governance - Authentication: TNPTLS - Upload: TNPUP - SCA(s): TNPSCA

2) Prepare public keys in PEM format in a private Github repository dedicated to acceptance environment keys. Follow the procedure described in this Github repository: https://github.com/WorldHealthOrganization/tng-participant-template (for support contact the tng-support@who.int functional mailbox). After technical onboarding you will be notified.

3) After onboarding in the Acceptance Environment, check the connectivity with the following command:
curl -v https://tng-uat.who.int/trustList --cert TLS.pem --key TLS_key.pem
You should see a output like:

    "kid": "+jrpHSqdqZY=",
    "timestamp": "2023-05-25T07:55:21Z",
    "country": "XC",
    "certificateType": "UPLOAD",
    "thumbprint": "fa3ae91d...",
    "signature": "MIAGCSqGSIb3D...",
    "rawData": "MIIErTCCA5WgAwIBAgII..."

4) Test the other Trustlist Routes in the same style (e.g. with DSC/SCA/Upload/Authentication…)
5) Create an Document Signer Certificate and sign it by the SCA
6) Create an CMS Package with the following Command:

      openssl x509 -outform der -in cert.pem -out cert.der
      openssl cms -sign -nodetach -in cert.der -signer signing.crt -inkey signing.key -out signed.der -outform DER -binary
      openssl base64 -in signed.der -out cms.b64 -e -A 

Note: cert.der is your DSC, signing.crt is the TNPUP)

7) Upload the CMS Package to the Gateway
curl -v -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/cms" --cert TLS.pem --key TLS_key.pem --data @cms.b64 https://tng-uat.who.int/signerCertificate
8) Download the Trustlist again, and check if your DSC is available.

Note: Some versions of curl don’t attach the client certificates automatically. This can be checked via curl --version Ensure that the used version is linked to OpenSSL. Especially under Windows (https://curl.se/windows/):

OpenSSL Test Example (working)

Working Setup

Working Setup

WinSSL Test Example (Not working)

Non Working Setup

Non Working Setup

Production Environment

1) Prepare public keys in PEM format in a private Github repository dedicated to production environment keys. Follow the procedure described in this Github repository: https://github.com/WorldHealthOrganization/tng-participant-template 2) After onboarding succeeded connect your production setup as described above