1.0.0 - 1.0.0 International flag

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Versioning Policy

Versions of this specification follow semantic versioning and consist of three different integers describing the major, minor and edition version. A change in the major version is an update that includes material changes affecting the decoding of the HCERT or the validation of it. An update of the minor version is a feature or maintenance update that maintains backward compatibility with previous versions.

In addition, there is an edition version number used for publishing updates to the document itself which has no effect on the HCERT, such as correcting spelling, providing clarifications or addressing ambiguities, et cetera. Hence, the edition number is not indicated in the HCERT. The version numbers are expressed in the title page of the document using a major.minor.edition format, where the three parts are separated by decimal dots.

Version History

Version Status Comments
1.0.0 draft First version