SMART Verifiable IPS for Pilgrimage
2.0.2 - release

This page is part of the SMART Verifiable IPS for Pilgrimage (v2.0.2: Release) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. This is the current published version. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Sequence Diagrams

This page includes sequence diagrams that describe interactions between actors and participants described in this Implementation Guide.

Overall Sequence Diagram for Religious Pilgrimage and IPS

Overall Sequence Diagram for Religious Pilgrimage and IPSHajj CounselorPilgrim fromOrigin CountryOrigin CountryHealth WalletOrigin CountryHIEWHOGDHCNHost CountryEMRHealth Workerin Host Country01:perform routinesynchronizationof keys02:perform routinesynchronizationof keys03:Conducts health assessment,counsels the pilgrim and collects consent04:Request forPatient Summaryas QR Code05:IssueVerifiable Health Linkas QR Code06:Travels to Host Country and seeks care,shares verifiable health document(IPS) fromhealth wallet (IPS via VHL)07:scans QR code frompilgrim's health wallet(IPS via VHL)08:retrieves health document (IPS)09:provides appropriate care

Routine Synchronization

Routine SynchronizationOrigin CountryHealth WalletOrigin CountryHealth WalletOrigin CountryHIEOrigin CountryHIEWHO GDHCNWHO GDHCNHost CountryEMRHost CountryEMRloop[routine synchronization]01:generate public-private key pairsfor issuing health documents02:send public keysfor IPS verification03:retrieves and caches all public keysfor IPS and VHL verification

Health Assessment, Consent Counselling, and Issuance of Smart Health Link

Health Assessment, Consent Counselling, and Issuance of Smart Health LinkHajj CounselorHajj CounselorPilgrim fromOrigin CountryPilgrim fromOrigin CountryOrigin CountryHealth WalletOrigin CountryHealth WalletOrigin Country HIEOrigin Country HIEQR CodeQR CodeAsessment01:conduct health assessmentCounseling and Consent02:explain utilization of digital health walletduring Hajj including consent policyIssue Verifiable Health LinkVerifiable Health Links:create Verifiable Health Link for the IPSgenerate digital signature\ncapture signed VHL as HCERT claimHCERT is rendered as QR code03:requests generation of IPSand provide consentoptionally sets selective disclosure & timelimit04:Consent stored as QuestionnaireResponse05:Consent QuestionnaireResponse extracted andCreate Consent resource with codes defined [ITI-108]06:Add the consent FHIR resource to IPS07:Generate MHD Folder for Pilgrim08:generate Verifiable Health Link as QR Code

Agreed IPS workflow for 'Clinical Encounter for Unplanned Care' between KSA and Origin countries

Agreed IPS workflow for 'Clinical Encounter for Unplanned Care' between KSA and Indonesia/MalaysiaPilgrim fromOrigin CountryPilgrim fromOrigin CountryAccompanying ClinicianfromOrigin CountryAccompanying ClinicianfromOrigin CountryOrigin CountryHealth WalletOrigin CountryHealth WalletOrigin CountryHIEOrigin CountryHIEHost CountryEMRHost CountryEMRHealth Workerin Host CountryHealth Workerin Host CountryBar code scannerBar code scanner01:Upload pilgrims demographic information few weeks before Hajj02:travels to Host Country and seeks care,shares verifiable health document(IPS) fromhealth wallet (IPS via VHL)03:identifies pilgrim with demographics and registers patient with pilgrimage number04:uses scanner to scan QR code05:scans QR code frompilgrim's health wallet(IPS via VHL)06:mTLS authentication node [ITI-19]07:verifies QR code signatureusing cached keys08:retrieve MHD Folder document references for pilgrim09:Record Audit event [ITI-20]10:Process retrieve request and respond11:retrieves health document (IPS)(document might be pregeneratedor generated on request)12:Record Audit event [ITI-20]13:Process retrieve request and respond14:verifies health document (IPS) signatureusing cached keys15:saves local copy of health document (IPS)16:display contents of health document17:provides appropriate care18:updates local record of care